Explanation of FL studio mobile trance delay


Explanation of FL studio mobile trance delay

Trance Delay

Tempo-locked delay / echo effect.

Tape delay and trance delay are different, because tape delay is unlocked delay tempo while Trance is locked. 

How to use this particular effect on your project? The answer is found in the video below but before we get there let's see this.

Time Signature 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 1/1) - Tabls along the top set relative timing of the echoes to the beat. 3/4 is tyically used in trance from where this delay draws its name. Trance is not dead!

Feedback - Number of echoes.

Mix - Strength of echoes.

Filter - There are two filter modes. UP: to filter low frequencies from echoes. DOWN: to filter high freqencies.

Watch this video for better understanding


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