How to use Param EQ to avoid sound from clip on FL studio mobile


How to use Param EQ to avoid sound from clip on FL studio mobile

Param EQ

Equalization is
a sophistocated form of 'Bass/Treble' control. More accurately, equalizing is the process of increasing or decreasing the loudness of specific frequencies in the sound. To improve your mix; listen critically and cut any frequencies that are annoying, 'droning' or sound out of place.

The Equalizer is the most advanced 4-Band parametric equalizer plugin. The Band type (shape), center frequency and width of each Band are fully adjustable. You can choose from: High Shelf, Low Shelf, Peaking filters for each Band independently.

  • Gain - Boost or Cut the target frequency. We strongly recommend CUTTING unwanted frequencies rather than BOOSTING wanted ones. It is the same thing, and avoids over-driving the master mix levels.
  • Frequency - Center or tareget frequency of the equalizer band.
  • Bandwidth - How wide the effect is around the center frequency. You can zoom in on just a small band or make large-gentle changes acros many frequencies.


Watch this video for better understanding 


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